The objective of this thematic area is to promote the civil rights of pastoralists by ensuring sufficient representation, adequate participation, inclusion of pastoralists’ voice and upholding of the rule of law in decision making processes that affect their pastoralists’ welfare.
This thematic area aims to promote the social rights of pastoralists which include access to quality, adequate and affordable education, health, housing, water and sanitation services. It also seeks to promote the cultural rights of indigenous pastoralist communities.
This programme focuses on initiatives that are expected to ensure peaceful coexistence of pastoralists amongst themselves and with other neighboring communities. Conflict management and resolution is also a prime component of this thematic area which is deemed critical for the enjoyment of all other human rights. This thematic area further seeks to combat the increasing incidents of radicalization and violence extremism common in pastoralist areas.
This thematic area, which aims to promote economic and environmental rights of pastoralists, focuses on promoting pastoralism as a viable and sustainable livelihood, facilitating humanitarian aid assistance, environmental conservation and combating adverse climate change effects through disaster risk management, adaptation and mitigation measures. It further seeks to unlock economic opportunities for pastoralist youth, women and other pastoralist entrepreneurs to achieve economic independence, reduce poverty and contribute to the national development goals.
This thematic area aims to promote cultural and religious rights of pastoralists, and gender equity and equality. In terms of gender equity, it focuses on the promotion of the rights of marginalized pastoralists including children, women, elders, youth and persons living with disabilities. It also seeks to combat marginalization within the pastoralist communities which is fueled by repulsive cultural practices including early girl-child marriages, female genital mutilation and other forms of gender-based violence.
The Tana Organization for Pastoralist Aid (TOPAID) was established in 2019 being a Non-Governmental Organization registered under Article 10 of Non-Governmental Act of Kenya with the mission of combating marginalization and empowering pastoralist communities in Kenya to secure their economic, social, cultural and civil rights.